WHAT: The 19th Annual San Antonio Express-News Book & Author Luncheon benefits the Cancer Therapy & Research Center at the UT Health Science Center
WHEN: Oct. 18, 2010 – Book sales open at 10 a.m., where authors will be available to sign their work. Lunch is from 11:30 to 1 p.m.
WHERE: The Marriott Rivercenter Hotel, 101 Bowie St., San Antonio
WHO: Six authors will speak at the luncheon, which raises money for the CTRC’s Phase I Clinical Research Program. San Antonio writer and longtime Trinity English professor Coleen Grissom will lead the program, and Ian M. Thompson, Jr., M.D., will give an update on the Cancer Therapy & Research Center with an overview of the Phase I Clinical Research Program.
The Authors and their featured books are as follows:
Alton Brown – “Good Eats 2” – the humorist and food alchemist provides a companion piece of recipes, tips, witty line drawings and more for his television show
Leila Meacham – “Roses” – epic storytelling crosses the generations in a small East Texas town
John Phillip Santos – “ The Farthest Home is in An Empire of Fire” – the author explores his family’s Iberian roots in a combined travelogue and memoir
Bonny Becker – “A Bedtime for Bear” – the veteran children’s book author creates another installment of the adventures of one of her best-loved characters
Frank Deford – “Bliss Remembered” – a historical romance by one of America’s premier sportswriters
Ian Frazier – “Travels in Siberia” – the author chronicles his travels across one-seventh of the Earth’s land mass
The Cancer Therapy & Research Center (CTRC) at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is one of the elite academic cancer centers in the country to be named a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Designated Cancer Center, and is one of only four in Texas. A leader in developing new drugs to treat cancer, the CTRC Institute for Drug Development (IDD) conducts one of the largest oncology Phase I clinical drug programs in the world, and participates in development of cancer drugs approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. For more information, visit www.ctrc.net