2010 Woman to Woman Conference: Consejos de su comadre (Advice from your dearest friend)

SAN ANTONIO (April 22, 2010) — Women who focus more on their family’s health than their own have a chance to put themselves first for a change.

On Saturday, May 15, the weekend after Mother’s Day, women can head downtown for free breakfast and four hours of prizes, laughter and free information from nurses, dietitians and physicians in both Spanish and English. They’ll learn how to potentially decrease their risk of cancer by what they put in their bodies and what they don’t, how active women need to be, what medical tests they should get and how often, and changes that take place in their bodies.
The program, open to the public, will be held at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Downtown in the Goldsbury Family Center, 333 N. Santa Rosa, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Everything is free, including parking and breakfast. Women are asked to leave children under age 13 at home.

“We hope women will take four hours for themselves to learn how to be healthy and be able to keep taking care of their families,” says Helene Merren, a volunteer with the Cancer Center Council, who is chair of the event. “We’ve had Woman to Woman events for several years, but this is the first time we’ve offered it at no cost and invited speakers who can present information in Spanish. We hope it will attract a new audience who is hungry for good information about their health.”

Sponsors for this year’s event are as follows:

• Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation
• American Cancer Society
• Bexar County Medical Society Alliance
• Cancer Center Council
• CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Downtown Goldsbury Family Center
• Friends of Hospice San Antonio
• Forté Rehabilitation and Wellness Center, Inc.
• Komen for the Cure
• The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
• National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
• South Texas Blood & Tissue Center
• ThriveWell Cancer Foundation
• UT Health Science Center San Antonio
o Cancer Therapy & Research Center
o Council for Excellence in Women’s Health
o Office of the President

For more information and to make a reservation, call the Cancer Center Council at 210.450.5571 or visit the website at www.cancercentercouncil.net. Women must R.S.V.P. to qualify for door prizes.

NOTES TO REPORTERS: Best opportunity for candid photos will be from 8:00-8:30 a.m.
Reporters are invited for breakfast. Please RSVP by May 12 to Varonica McKinney, 450-5571.



The Cancer Therapy & Research Center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is one of the nation’s leading academic research and treatment centers, serving more than 4.4 million people in the high-growth corridor of Central and South Texas including Austin, San Antonio, Laredo and the Rio Grande Valley. CTRC is one of the elite cancer centers in the country to be named a National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center, and is one of the only three in Texas. A world leader in developing new drugs to treat cancer, the CTRC Institute for Drug Development is internationally recognized for conducting one of the largest oncology Phase I clinical drug programs in the world, and participates in the clinical and/or preclinical development of many of the cancer drugs approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. For more information, visit www.ctrc.net

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