2017 Community Engagement Symposium

Promoting Community and Academic Partnerships for Health Equity Research


Oct. 28, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Witte Museum, San Antonio


The goal of the Community Engagement Symposium is to showcase current projects (within different phases of the translational spectrum) for possible future collaborations; identify methods for engaging the community in all phases of research; and build the capacity of the community and researchers interested in community and academic partnerships.

The event will include a plenary presentation by the High Plains Research Network, a Poster Fair, and the  Community Engagement Hero Awards Ceremony. Poster abstracts and Community Engagement Hero Awards nomination forms are due Sept. 25.

To register, click here.

Submit poster abstracts at: http://tinyurl.com/2017CESymposiumPosters

Nominate someone for a Community Engagement Hero Award at:  http://tinyurl.com/2017CEHeroAwards

For more information contact Elisabeth de la Rosa at (210)562-4087 or at delarosae@uthscsa.edu .


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