March 18 was a joyous day for UT Health San Antonio as approximately 200 fourth-year students from the Long School of Medicine opened envelopes revealing where they matched to residency programs across the nation.
This year 99% of the medical students matched, which exceeded the national average. Significantly, more than one in five students (22%) will remain in Bexar County for residency. Of these individuals, 20% matched to UT Health San Antonio residency programs offered in partnership with University Health.
Importantly for Texas, 57% of the students will remain in the state and 43% will enter primary care specialties.
Underscoring the educational, clinical and research excellence of the Long School of Medicine, 13% of this year’s graduating class matched to residencies at medical schools ranked in the top 25 in research. In addition, 14% matched to residencies at medical schools ranked in the top 25 in primary care.
Top specialties for the match were internal medicine, family medicine and emergency medicine.
Robert Hromas, MD, FACP, dean of the Long School of Medicine, said Match Day is not a finish line but a door to new learning. “Medicine is exploding, it is advancing. Go with it; ride the wave. Make it a joy, make it a hobby, make it interesting all the rest of your careers,” he said. “Never stop the learning you are doing. Make this a habit.”
Other hospitals are eager to receive UT Health San Antonio medical school graduates because they are so well-trained clinically, Dr. Hromas said. “You will walk into your internship knowing how to be part of a team,” he said.
His last advice was to always remember loved ones, even during busy careers.
“Your friends and your family are probably the most important members of your health care team,” Dr. Hromas said. “Never, never, never take them for granted. Come home every night and say thank you for helping me save lives. Tell your parents, thank you for raising me in such a way that I could make it through medical school. Tell your significant other, you make me what I am.”
William L. Henrich, MD, MACP, president of UT Health San Antonio, expressed how proud he is of the students, faculty and staff, each of whom has contributed to the esteem of the Long School of Medicine.
“Truly exciting numbers, really great institutions [in the match results],” said Joshua Hanson, MD, MPH, associate dean of student affairs in the Long School of Medicine. “Our students do a great job in the match, and they really work hard to find places that are good fits for them. And we have the reputation of great clinical students who do really well in residencies.”
The Long School of Medicine has 865 residents at University Hospital, the South Texas Veterans Health Care System and the San Antonio Military Medical Center. The 22% of students who matched in San Antonio will augment this vital patient care workforce in our city.
Watch the excitement here, and read these other Match Day 2022 stories:
Match Day: Anticipation, fulfilled goals and the call to serve
Physician scientist will bring his years of research experience to geriatrics residency
See also this video recap of the event from KSAT 12.