The Office of Governmental Relations has the primary official responsibility to communicate with all local, state, and federally elected officials and their respective staff regarding The University of Texas Health San Antonio’s present and future legislative funding and policy priorities. To ensure appropriate, timely and coordinated responses to all legislative inquiries, please forward for review all inquiries to:
The Office of Governmental Relations
Phone: 210-567-0372
Fax: 210-567-0393
In addition, state law and University policy prohibit employees from representing the University and expressing opinions for or against any legislative action on matters relating to official University business, or use any University resources, including stationery, fax machines, e-mail and telephones, to conduct such activities. UT Health San Antonio’s legislative contact policy does not preclude an employee from expressing opinions for or against any legislative action as a private citizen.
Please direct all questions relating to this subject to the Office of Governmental Relations.