Texas Standard: Ask a doctor: How temperature-taking helps slow COVID-19 spread, and what to do if you have symptoms

May 15, 2020

Dr. Fred Campbell, an internal medicine specialist from the Division of General and Hospital Medicine, is a weekly guest on the statewide radio program Texas Standard answering listeners’ questions about their health during the coronavirus pandemic. This week he discusses temperature-taking to help slow the spread and what to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms. […]

KTSA: Coronavirus questions answered

May 15, 2020

Dr. Fred Campbell, an internal medicine specialist from the Division of General and Hospital Medicine, answered listeners’ questions about coronavirus. He addressed concerns about starting the school year with a new syndrome that affects children called Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome. Dr. Campbell said the syndrome appears to be directly related to COVID-19 infection, is very […]

KSAT 12: Why are so many nursing home residents dying of COVID-19?

May 14, 2020

Dr. Ruth Berggren, Infectious Diseases, says 80% of COVID-19 related deaths are people over the age of 64. With multiple coronavirus outbreaks at local nursing homes, one KSAT viewer asked Dr. Berggren why the death toll from coronavirus is so high in nursing homes and what can be done about it. Read and watch the […]