An External Advisory Committee for the Health Science Center’s Military Health Institute, comprised of military health experts from across the country, has been formed. The committee held its inaugural meeting Feb. 26 in San Antonio.
The Military Health Institute Charter, originally signed by Health Science Center President William L. Henrich, M.D., MACP, in January 2015, called for establishing “internal and external MHI advisory committees (to) meet periodically to evaluate institute activities and provide guidance as needed.”
Members of the committee include:
• Thomas Travis, M.D., Lt. Gen. USAF (Ret.), senior vice president, University Programs, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Southern Regional Campus;
• James K. Gilman, M.D., Maj. Gen. USA (Ret.), executive director, Military and Veterans Health Institute, Johns Hopkins University;
• Kimberly A. Siniscalchi, B.S.N., MSN, Maj. Gen. USAF (Ret.), vice president, Strategic Initiatives, UT Southwestern Medical Center;
• Ronald Poropatich, M.D., FACP, FCCP, Col. USA (Ret.), executive director, Center for Military Medicine Research, University of Pittsburgh;
• Donald H. Jenkins, M.D., FACS, Col. USAF (Ret.), director of trauma, Division of Trauma, Clinical Care, and General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, and assistant professor of surgery, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
“The MHI External Advisory Committee is comprised of accomplished representatives from universities across the U.S. which have a focus on collaboration with the military and Veterans Administration,” said Byron C. Hepburn, M.D., Maj. Gen. USAF (Ret.), director of the Military Health Institute.
“The committee’s counsel will strengthen our institute’s activities in education, research and health care,” Dr. Hepburn added. “We are confident this partnering will ultimately enhance the health of our nation’s military service members, veterans, and their families.”