KENS 5 Medical Minute: Back to School Vaccines

September 3, 2020

Johanna Matos, APRN, UT Health San Antonio School of Nursing, urges parents to take steps to help keep their children healthy as schools prepare to start in-person classes. That includes getting the flu shot this year and making sure kids are up to date on routine vaccinations. Medical Minute is a collaboration between UT Health San Antonio […]

KENS 5 Medical Minute: Back to School and COVID-19

August 26, 2020

Donna Roybal, MD, a child psychiatrist at UT Health San Antonio explains why triple-layered masks are most effective in this week’s Kens 5 Medical Minute. Medical Minute is a collaboration between UT Health San Antonio and KENS 5. Watch video

KENS 5 Medical Minute: Pregnancy and COVID-19

August 19, 2020

Pregnancy can put women at a higher risk during this pandemic. Dr. Rachel Pearson, Pediatrics and the Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics explains. Medical Minute is a collaboration between UT Health San Antonio and KENS 5. Watch video

KENS 5 Medical Minute: COVID-19 Testing – what you need to know

August 12, 2020

Jason Bowling, MD, associate professor of infectious diseases, shares important facts about COVID-19 exposure and testing. He advises wearing a face mask, practicing social distancing and good hand hygiene to stop the spread. Medical Minute is a collaboration between UT Health San Antonio and KENS 5. Watch video