UT Medicine physicians named Best Doctors

December 8, 2016

More than 70 faculty physicians of UT Medicine San Antonio, the clinical practice of the School of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio, are listed in “Best Doctors in San Antonio,” a cover feature in the December issue of San Antonio Magazine.

Diabetic foot treatment is focus of Dec. 8-10 conference

December 2, 2016

Attention, health care providers with interest in surgical management of the diabetic foot: The UT Health Science Center at San Antonio announces the 11th Annual International External Fixation Symposium, set for Dec. 8-10 at the La Cantera Hill Country Resort. Registration is still open for this multidisciplinary continuing education conference, which will feature state-of-the-art lectures […]

diabetes in men

Dr. Kumar named Family Physician of the Year

November 22, 2016

Kaparaboyna Ashok Kumar, M.D., FRCS, FAAFP, professor of family and community medicine, has been awarded the highest honor among Texas family doctors by the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.

KA Kumar, M.D.

TPR: SA Cancer Foundation pledges $17 million to CTRC

November 22, 2016

The San Antonio Cancer Foundation is pledging $17 million to support the new affiliation between the University of Texas Health Science Center’s Cancer Therapy and Research Center and M-D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.