Report: San Antonio smoking ordinance wouldn’t snuff out restaurant/bar industry

May 25, 2010

If San Antonio ends up prohibiting smoking in indoor workplaces, its restaurants and bars are not likely to lose patrons to the few and geographically separated establishments outside the city limits that do allow smoking, according to a new analysis by the Institute for Health Promotion Research at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

UT Health Science Center’s Amelie Ramirez named co-chair of Mayor’s Fitness Council

May 21, 2010

In the wake of the city’s $15.6 million federal grant to fight childhood obesity, San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro has named Amelie G. Ramirez, Dr.P.H., director of the Institute for Health Promotion Research at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, a co-chair of his new Mayor’s Fitness Council, which will develop ways to spur improved community nutrition and activity.