Check out Newsroom, the Health Science Center’s news source

The Department of Marketing, Communications and Media is pleased to unveil the Newsroom, the news source for the university, media and other external constituents.

The Newsroom is the result of a lengthy process to create a one-stop shop that would merge all news functions onto one platform, reduce the amount of time to post stories, increase readership and create a more visually appealing and functional news site.

Top stories on the Newsroom are broken down by university missions: Health, Education, Research and Community, with the strongest stories featured on the homepage under Top Headlines and More Stories.

An In the News section will showcase media coverage of our university. There will be links, for example, to media stories on Health Science Center faculty, programs or research.

The On Campus section will be devoted to items relevant to both internal and external audiences. Examples include the opening of the new Academic Learning & Teaching Center and faculty honors. Upcoming events relevant to both internal and external audiences will be featured.

HSC Express, the weekly internal news digest, will continue to be distributed every Monday. It will list and link the top items in on the portal for that day, which will include stories from the Newsroom. The current portal will continue to evolve but will mostly encompass items that are internal in nature.

HSC News, the twice-monthly newsletter, will continue to be distributed every other week. It will contain stories from our Newsroom only and will be distributed both to the internal HSC community and the greater external community.

Please take a look at The Newsroom and let us know what you think. Contact, or

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