NOTE: The Tuesday lunch is at capacity but space remains for the Monday, Sept. 23, lecture in Pestana.
The next Conversations About Ethics lecture co-sponsored by the Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics will explore the urgent ethical debate surrounding gene editing. The two-day event Sept. 23-24 will feature Julian Savulescu, Ph.D., who has held the Uehiro Chair in Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford since 2002.
Dr. Savulescu has degrees in medicine, neuroscience and bioethics. He directs the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics within the Faculty of Philosophy, and leads a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator award on Responsibility and Health Care.
He is a leader in medical and practical ethics, with more than 400 publications, an h-index of 63 and over 15,000 citations in total. He spent 10 years as editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics, the highest-impact journal in the field, and is founding editor of the Journal of Practical Ethics, an open-access journal in practical ethics.
Conversations About Ethics includes the keynote address at 6 p.m., Monday, Sept. 23, in Pestana Lecture Hall, and a lunch seminar on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at the Ecumenical Center.
Click here for complete information and to register for the events