On Friday, our leaders and experts will share valuable information on COVID-19 vaccine distribution plans for UT Health San Antonio that will begin the week of Dec. 14. A recorded webinar with details on these topics will be distributed to all faculty, staff, residents and students on Friday afternoon.
- Who should get the vaccine and when
- Tiered (or prioritized) vaccine distribution recommendations
- Vaccine distribution schedule for our organization
- Distribution logistics (where, when, how to register)
- Safety is our number one priority
- Availability of COVID-19 testing
- Questions
William Henrich, MD, MACP, President, UT Health San Antonio
Thomas Patterson, MD, FACP, FIDSA, Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
Jason Bowling, MD, FIDSA, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine/Division of Infectious Diseases
Cindy Sickora, DNP, RN, Clinical Professor and Vice Dean of Practice & Engagement, School of Nursing
Michael Charlton, PhD, CHP, LMP, CIH, CSP, CHMM, Assistant Vice President for Risk Management & Safety
After the webinar, FAQS will be available on the COVID-19 website. Any questions can be sent to the COVID-19@uthscsa.edu email.