Employee Service Awards update

As we move forward with the implementation of our updated Service Award program, we will be reconciling our records for 2017. If you reached a service anniversary (in five year intervals) from April 1, 2017, and Dec. 31, 2017, we will be ensuring that we celebrate this achievement by providing the following:

— Employees celebrating five, 10, and 15 years of service will receive a certificate and customized gift

— Employees celebrating 20, 25, 30, 35, 40+ will be receive a “Bravo” presentation packet which includes:

  • -Information regarding their Electronic Yearbook
  • -A hardcopy certificate
  • -Ability to choose one of at least 30 gift options (gift options differ at each five-year increment after 20 years)

— Employees celebrating 20, 25, 30, 35, 40+ will also receive communication via email or to their home address (for those without email) regarding their gift options

We will continue to communicate more information and details regarding our updated Service Award program.   If you have any questions, please email workforceprograms@uthscsa.edu.

*For the purpose of service awards, anniversary dates are determined by total years of confirmed State service.


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