UT Health San Antonio understands the importance of protecting ALL our employees from COVID-19. We are currently providing a supply of masks to our admin/non-clinical employees who are required to be on campus.
We are pursuing cloth masks to be used for the longer term; however, until those are procured, we will distribute surgical masks from our limited supply of personal protective equipment (PPE). We need to be judicious about the supply and distribution of these masks, as they are essential for our clinical personnel on the front line. In non-clinical settings, we recommend these masks be preserved and re-used.
Please click this link to our COVID-19 website to see instructions for how to don and care for the masks: https://wp.uthscsa.edu/coronavirus/2020/04/06/mask-instructions-in-non-clinical-support-areas/
Once cloth masks become available, we’ll provide a similar process for distribution and self-care instructions. If you were unable to receive a mask upon entry to the campus building, you can speak directly to your departmental director, administrator, or Dean’s office.
If you are working on campus intermittently to retrieve work, etc., you should follow the CDC guidance for cloth face coverings and resources can be found on the CDC’s website.