Five picnic tables added to university campuses

One of the five new picnic tables recently purchased was placed near the main entry of the School of Nursing.

Thanks to funds raised by the university’s Special Events Council, along with leadership and guidance from the Office of the President and support from Facilities Management and Purchasing, five new picnic tables were purchased and recently placed throughout the university’s campuses.

One of the outdoor tables was placed on the Greehey Academic and Research Campus patio at entry of new School of Public Health building and four were placed in the following locations on the Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Campus:

  • Main entry of the School of Nursing.
  • Main entry patio of the UT Police Department.
  • Main entry of the Dolph Briscoe Jr. Library/Lecture Hall.
  • Side entry of Holly Auditorium in front of the Academic Learning and Teaching Center (ALTC).

Raymundo Rivera, MS, PE, executive director of engineering and construction management and chief electrical engineer, Facilities Management, said the new picnic tables bring the total number to 23 on the Long Campus and 21 on the Greehey Campus.

“The additional outdoor seating and shade, via the table umbrellas, promotes outdoor activity and creates new social gathering and study spaces,” Rivera said.

The locations of the new picnic tables can be found in the images below. The tables were placed the week of Nov. 13.

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