Free community forum to offer facts about ADHD, depression, bipolar


Parents of children and teens with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression and bipolar disorder have more reason to be optimistic these days, says Steven R. Pliszka, M.D., the Meadows Foundation and Semp Russ/San Antonio Area Foundation Research Professor at the Health Science Center. “There is definitely more research on underlying causes of these disorders, and there are newer treatments,” says Dr. Pliszka, professor and deputy chair of the department of psychiatry.

From 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, at the Winston School of San Antonio, 8565 Ewing Halsell, Dr. Pliszka and Jair C. Soares, M.D., associate professor of psychiatry and the Aaron and Bobbie Elliot Krus Chair at the Health Science Center, will offer a free community forum on how to recognize these disorders and what researchers are doing to find both causes and better treatments. Parents and professionals who work with children and teens (day care workers, school nurses, counselors and others) are encouraged to attend.

Dr. Soares will discuss the research he is conducting on bipolar disorder and depression. Dr. Pliszka also will discuss ADHD. The audience is invited to ask questions at the conclusion of their presentations. “There’s been a lot of information in the media about medications,” Dr. Pliszka says. “We will be available to answer general questions about treatment.”

Neuroimaging studies are revealing fascinating information about areas of the brain that are activated or deactivated in individuals with the disorders. “Functional MRI studies are non-invasive, cause no pain, expose children to no radiation and make it easier to see what is going on with these children,” Dr. Pliszka says.

The forum is designed to provide information only, and no testing and screening of children will be available. No reservations are necessary to attend. The forum is presented by the psychiatry department’s division of child and adolescent psychiatry.

Call (210) 567-0589 for more information.

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