KSAT 12: Q&A: April 8, Dr. Ruth Berggren

April 9, 2021

Dr. Ruth Berggren, Infectious Diseases, answers questions in this KSAT 12 Q&A segment on the COVID vaccine; the more the virus variants can spread in the community, the more it has the opportunity to become resistant to our vaccines. Watch the Q&A.  

KSAT 12: Q&A: April 1, Dr. Ruth Berggren

April 2, 2021

Dr. Ruth Berggren, Infectious Diseases, spoke on a KSAT 12 Q&A regarding what someone should do if they get COVID-19 between their first and second dose of the vaccine. Her response was to not get the vaccine while sick, to complete 10 days of isolation and then to wait up to 90 days after having […]