For the first time in many years, the Health Science Center sponsored a float during the Texas Cavaliers River Parade, held annually during San Antonio’s citywide Fiesta. The parade was Monday, April 18.
Health Science Center President William L. Henrich, M.D., MACP, and his wife, Mary, led the HSC participants on the float. Others included Dot Delarosa, a lung transplant survivor, and 14-year-old Raven Labrador, an acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
The HSC’s Ambassador Scholars were on board, as was a band, Morning, led by dentistry faculty member Bud Luecke III, D.D.S., M.S.D.
This year’s parade, titled “River of Champions,” featured more than 40 festively decorated floats sponsored by local community organizations, educational institutions and military installations. King Antonio XCIV reigned over the evening’s festivities, watched by thousands along the winding route.
The money raised through the parade is donated to children’s charities in our community through the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation. Founded in San Antonio in 1926, the Texas Cavaliers is a local civic and patriotic organization.