From the cute cuddles to the adorable little laughs, a baby brings so much delight to a home. But today, infertility affects 15 percent of couples who desire to conceive.
Reproductive medicine has more to offer these couples than ever before, says Craig Witz, M.D., associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology and the Frank Harrison Chair in Reproductive Endocrinology at the Health Science Center.
Dr. Witz is one of the scheduled speakers for the 2005 Mini-Medical School to be held May 2, 9, 16 and 23 at the Health Science Center. The public is encouraged to attend this free educational event, which is a special gift to the community from the Health Science Center. The Mini-Medical School is supported in part by an educational grant from Pfizer Inc.
Dr. Witz is one of the speakers for the May 16 session. He says fertility drops off significantly as women get older, including a precipitous drop after the age of 40, but the problem is not always with the prospective mom. The three most common causes of infertility are ovulatory dysfunction, a male factor and a tubal factor. “One in five cases is caused predominately by a problem with the male, and another one in five has a contributing male factor,” Dr. Witz says.
Dr. Witz will discuss the various treatments for infertility. “The question is, are cases of infertility really rising?” he says. “Many women are delaying childbearing until their 30s and 40s. Part of that decision is based on misinformation and misperception.”
Women’s health is the theme for the four Monday sessions of the Mini-Medical School. Women and diabetes is the second topic on the opening night, May 2. Subsequent weeks will cover obesity, heart disease, adolescent health, cancer and infertility. The dynamic series will conclude with description of an exciting new National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health/Pregnancy at the Health Science Center.
Each Monday session starts at 6 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m.
The Health Science Center will offer the program via video teleconference to various remote sites in South Texas, including the university’s Laredo Extension Campus and its Medical Education Division building of the Regional Academic Health Center in Harlingen.
Advance registration is requested. Please call (210) 567-4445. A brochure is available online atwww.uthscsa.edu/ogm/forms/minimedbroch2.pdf.