A power outage for the Long campus only has been scheduled for Dec. 20-22. Normal power will not be available on the entire campus during the 48-hour period.
Facilities Management personnel will be available today, Thursday, Dec. 19, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Lecture Hall 3.102B to answer any questions on the outage.
The outage is necessary in order to migrate university buildings from circa 1970 electrical equipment onto new equipment. This is a continuation of work necessary to maintain electrical system reliability on the Long campus.
The outage is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m., Friday, Dec. 20. Power should be restored by 6 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 22. All buildings will be affected.
Emergency power will be available and all systems on emergency power will be operational. These systems include the fire/life safety systems, telephone systems, emergency lighting, emergency 120V or 208V outlets and heating or cooling on emergency power systems.
Access to buildings will be severely limited as building systems, with the exception of those on emergency power, will not be operational (lighting, heating/cooling, some potable water systems, equipment connected to non-emergency power, etc).
Things to remember:
- During the power outage, normal CPS Energy power will not be available throughout the 48-hour power outage impacting the entire Long Campus.
- All power will be restored by Sunday, December 22, 2019, at 6 p.m.
- Please power down your computers and all nonessential equipment prior to your departure for the holidays and prior to Friday, Dec. 20, 2019, at 6 p.m.
- Should you still require extension cords, for emergency powered freezers, or an emergency power review for your equipment, please contact Raymundo Rivera today at riverar5@uthscsa.edu or Joe Lopez, 210-567-2230, or lopezjl@uthscsa.edu.
- Refrigerators and freezers not on emergency power should be defrosted and disconnected (unplugged) prior to the outage. These refrigerators and freezers include those utilized by departments in break rooms or lunch spaces. Any ice in ice maker machines should be removed prior to the power outage.
- Vehicular access into the university will be limited to the main entrance at Floyd Curl Drive. As with any other weekend, UT Police staff will be at this post.
- The facilities management telephone number for and during the planned power outage is 210-567-2880, and is available 24 hours a day/365 days a year.
Questions? Contact 210-567-2880.