Make money by brushing your teeth

The School of Dentistry is recruiting participants for two research studies that involve brushing your teeth twice a day with an electric toothbrush.

The studies are comparing a new-technology toothbrush with a toothbrush already approved by the American Dental Association.

One study compares the performance of the toothbrushes in removing stains caused by such substances as nicotine, coffee and tea. The other study is evaluating the toothbrushes’ ability to remove plaque, calculus and gingivitis.

The toothbrush being tested uses a new technology already approved in Europe. The technology uses radio frequency waves that emit charged molecules to dissolve the bonds connecting the stains or other substances to the surface of teeth.

Both studies require a screening, twice-a-day brushing, and 4 to 5 office visits over a few weeks.

Participants in the stain reduction study will receive $120 and free parking at the Center for Oral Health Care and Research after completing four office visits. After five office visits, participants in the plaque and gingivitis study are eligible to receive $150 and free parking for their study appointments.

For more information visit

or call Marina Shehata at 830-822-8171.


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