In memoriam: Retired professor Valerie Lawrence, M.D.

Candle, tragedy, spiritual atmosphere and in remembrance of loved ones
Candle, tragedy, spiritual atmosphere and in remembrance of loved ones

Valerie A. Lawrence, M.D., professor emeritus, died July 16 in Vancouver, Canada.

Dr. Lawrence served on the faculty of the School of Medicine since 1984. She retired in 2013.

She practiced at the Audie L. Murphy Memorial VA Hospital.

In a note to the Department of Medicine faculty, Helen Hazuda, Ph.D., and W. Brian Reeves, M.D., chair of the department, wrote: “Dr. Lawrence will be remembered for her seminal contributions and leadership in the field of perioperative medicine; her sustained productivity in teaching, research, and scholarly activity; her excellence as a role model and mentor for students, residents, and faculty; and her outstanding service contributions to the Department of Medicine and the University as well as the South Texas Veterans Health System, where she served as a physician and health services researcher.  She will be greatly missed.”


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