Oct. 11 is the deadline to sign up for LINC training program

UT Health San Antonio’s Quality Enhancement Plan, called Linking Interprofessional Networks for Collaboration (LINC), is a university-wide effort to advance interprofessional education (IPE) throughout all five schools.

The LINC Faculty Council is offering a training program for faculty and staff members interested in developing novel approaches to interprofessional education. LINC also has a seed grant program to provide funding for pilot projects involving interprofessional education.

LINC training program

The LINC training program consists of three one-hour, online workshops that can be completed over the lunch hour. The first workshop is a program overview, after which participants will select tracks they are interested in to complete the program. Each track consists of two workshops, also completed online over the lunch hour.

The program overview will be offered twice, first on Oct. 13 and again on Oct. 14. The co-curricular Interprofessional education track will be provided Oct. 18 and 25, the clinical Interprofessional education track is set for Oct. 20 and 27, and the didactic interprofessional education track will be held Oct. 21 and 28.

“We are committed to enhancing our student learning experiences by offering high-quality interprofessional education and we recognize that the faculty and staff who develop, teach and/or evaluate these experiences need a robust and supportive training infrastructure. Through this program, faculty and staff will be formally introduced to how LINC and its various initiatives capture the vision for Interprofessional education in our UT Health San Antonio learning community,” said Gretchel Gealogo Brown, PhD, RN, assistant professor of nursing, who leads the LINC Faculty & Staff Development Initiative and is the point person for the LINC training program.

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LINC seed grants

Participants will also receive information about the fourth annual LINC seed grant program. This program offers financial support to faculty and staff members to develop and pilot novel activities designed to advance IPE at UT Health San Antonio.

Since 2019, 18 projects involving 68 investigators and collaborators have received a total of $80,509 in seed grant funding. To date, scholarly output from the first two funding cycles includes two international, 15 national, and seven regional presentations. In last year’s cycle, five of the six teams that received funding included at least one member who attended the LINC training program, demonstrating its value.

Sign up

RSVP by Oct. 11 to participate in the LINC training program.
To submit a letter of intent for the 2022 LINC seed grant program, visit https://uthscsa.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ndeRBsvDf1v9XM.

Learn more

To learn more about LINC, click here.

Read Inaugural LINC Interprofessional Case Competition fosters meaningful student collaborations.

Read LINC Seed Grant awards support pilot projects to foster innovations in interprofessional education.

Read LINC advances interprofessional education to train health care leaders.

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