Online service to promote mental health, wellness

A new online tool is now available to bring mental health information and services to the entire UT Health San Antonio community, including students, residents, faculty and staff.

TAO, which stands for Therapy Assistance Online, was introduced by the Student Counseling Center, said Mia Veve, Ph.D., the center’s director. The service is free and confidential.

The counseling center “is trying to make mental health information available to all of UT Health,” Dr. Veve said. “TAO is an online self-help resource that provides a variety of mental health modules and exercises. It is information that can be accessed from anywhere, so that the students, faculty, and staff that are not able to attend mental health services can have access to information.”

TAO has modules on anxiety and stress management, nurturing healthy relationships, a “mindfulness library” and more, Dr. Veve added.

To access TAO, click here. Then click on the TAO (Self Help) link on the left, sign in and follow the directions. Open the flier below for additional information.

TAO flyer employees

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