Facilities Management has scheduled routine maintenance on the Texas Research Park (TRP) Barshop Building’s normal power electrical distribution gear on Saturday, June 6. Only the TRP Barshop Building will be impacted by this work with normal power being temporarily unavailable.
All emergency power systems to include security systems, life safety, lighting, emergency power outlets and networking will be available throughout the duration of the maintenance work.
Maintenance date and time: Saturday, June 6 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Building impacted: Texas Research Park – Barshop Building
Please power down any computers and all nonessential equipment by the end of business day Friday, June 5.
Facilities Management will be conducting building rounds and will be on-site throughout the duration of the routine maintenance should you require any support.
Please contact Joe Lopez (lopezjl@uthscsa.edu or 210-857-8602) or Jennifer Johnson (johnsonj9@uthscsa.edu or 210-551-4418), if you have any questions.