Practical Application of New Agents in Oncology conference set

The Practical Application of New Agents in Oncology, a conference sponsored by the School of Nursing and the Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine, will take place Feb. 1-2 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.

The conference is designed to provide the latest information on results of clinical studies of new anticancer agents and current treatment strategies. Cancer experts from around the nation will be presenting at this conference on how to use pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine approaches to help in the selection of novel new therapies for patients. Also, they will discuss how to incorporate these agents into standard clinical practice guiding the front-line clinicians, nurses, and pharmacists regarding current or projected appropriate use of these therapeutics.

The target audience for the conference is hematologists, medical oncologists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, students, and other health care professionals specializing in oncology.

Continuing education credits will be offered in a number of areas.

More information and to register

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