Presidential Award winner: James Lechleiter, Ph.D.

James Lechleiter, PhD

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Teaching Excellence Award

James Lechleiter, Ph.D., professor, Department of Cell Systems and Anatomy, Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine

President’s Awards 2017 from UT Health Science Center on Vimeo.

Remarks by Dr. Henrich at the March 6 awards dinner:

“Dr. Lechleiter is professor of cell systems and anatomy in the Long School of Medicine. He is not only a highly respected neuroscience researcher in the area of traumatic brain injury, he also excels as an educator. While his expertise lies in areas that are notoriously complex, he has the ability to examine and explain these concepts in a clear manner to students. He shines in the classroom, but his teaching extends to his laboratory where he mentors trainees one-on-one. He has trained 13 postdoctoral fellows and 12 Ph.D. students, as well as master’s-level students. Several of his trainees succeeded in obtaining independent funding for their projects, a testament to his mentorship. His studies and findings fuel the imaginations of the many students passing through his laboratory, and no doubt will spark future innovation in clinical and scientific research.

“One of Dr. Lechleiter’s most notable education accomplishments is his leadership of our Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Program, which allows postdoctoral research scientists to hone their teaching skills at undergraduate universities.”

From the nominating letter by Christi A. Walter, Ph.D., Cell Systems & Anatomy, Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine:

“Dr. Lechleiter epitomizes excellence in all aspects of education—
he is a truly outstanding educator as evidenced by his skills in
the classroom to explain complex concepts in clear, concise and
simple ways; his accomplishments in mentoring trainees one-on-one in the laboratory; and his development of courses in imaging
technologies fundamental to graduate student education. He
brings a refreshing commitment to excellence and innovation to
all of his educational activities, and he has made it his personal
mission to ensure that career development opportunities are
provided to our students and postdoctoral fellows. Every task Jim
takes on is approached with professionalism, intelligence and
competence. His commitment and passion for science are evident
to the students, and he is deservedly one of their favorites.”

Read the awards program

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