Seniors living near the District 2 Senior Community Center on South W.W. White in San Antonio were treated to health screenings and more March 28 by Department of Physical Therapy III students.
The annual health fair is both a community service and course activity for DPT III students. The fair featured screening for fall risk and cognition, and booths with information about nutrition, home safety, emergency preparedness and other topics. Attendance reached a record number, with nearly 100 seniors participating.
The annual fair is supervised by Martha Acosta, Ph.D., PT, GCS, and Catherine Ortega, Ed.D., PT, ATC, OCS, faculty in the department.
“It is always gratifying to see our students interact competently and compassionately with the seniors at these events” said Dr. Acosta.
Dr. Ortega noted, “We have a great relationship with the staff and directors of these centers. It’s an excellent learning opportunity for our students that we hope to continue for another 10 years”