Reminder about revamped employee service awards program

This year, the Office of Human Resources has evolved our employee service anniversary recognition programs and improved our methods of awarding milestone anniversaries for all employees.

The changes include:

  • We will continue our tradition of hosting two celebrations each year (in the spring and fall), both held in the Holly Auditorium foyer, for employees celebrating 5, 10 and 15 years of service. These employees will also receive an acrylic numeral featuring the designated years of service with the employee’s name inscribed. Your HR partner will deliver these awards to the recipient’s manager and/or administrator for a more meaningful acknowledgement.
  • Employees celebrating 20 years of service or more (in 5-year increments) will receive a communication inviting them to a personalized website to select a gift of their choice.The gift will be mailed directly to the employee’s home. We will also plan a special event offsite in the fall of each year. These recipients will receive an email invitation and are able to bring one guest.

Those with 20 or more years of service will also receive a link to a digital yearbook that allows their colleagues to provide personal and noteworthy messages.

Please note that service years include those accrued at any UT System institution, and you will be notified via email from of your upcoming service anniversary.

We are excited about these improvements as we pursue a culture of excellence to invent, create, discover and change the world!

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