‘Resilience in the Shadows of War’ lecture is Oct. 12

Gala KENS 5
Gala KENS 5

“Resilience in the Shadows of War”; lecture on “compassion fatigue”

Free and open to the public


Noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 12


Lecture Hall 3.102B, UT Health Science Center San Antonio, Long Campus, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78229


MHI@uthscsa.edu or 210-567-2075


This lecture sponsored by the Health Science Center’s Military Health Institute features Charles R. Figley, Ph.D., the Paul Henry Kurzweg, MD Distinguished Chair in Disaster Mental Health at Tulane University School of Social Work in New Orleans. Dr. Figley will discuss “Resilience in the Shadows of War: Confronting, Measuring, Treating and Preventing Compassion Fatigue.”

Dr. Figley has written extensively on compassion fatigue, or secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized.

This lecture is open to everyone who deals with, has dealt with or has an interest in work surrounding the area of caregiving to our service members, veterans, their families and those who serve them.


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