Experience an exclusive evening of fun, food and fashion during a Saks Fifth Avenue celebration that will benefit the Health Science Center’s Children’s Cancer Research Institute.
“Saks Loves San Antonio – Celebrating 20 Years” will take place from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14, at Saks Fifth Avenue at North Star Mall. You are invited to come and go as you please.
Professional models will reveal the latest fashions, an extensive menu of gourmet food will be available (see menu below), events of interest to both men and women will take place in the Men’s Store and attendees will have chance to win several prizes.
“We are so pleased to be the recipients of Saks Fifth Avenue’s generosity,” said Barbie O’Connor, who, along with her husband, Toby, are the founding presidents of the CCRI’s Ambassadors’ Circle. “For 20 years, Saks has been the hallmark of high fashion and the hottest trends in San Antonio. What also makes Saks a model of style and sophistication is its commitment to so many charities in this city,” she said.
Special guests will include world-renowned fashion designers Mark Badgley and James Mischka, of Badgley Mischka, and Mary Norton, designer of the famous MOO ROO handbag collection. This is a rare San Antonio appearance by Badgley Mischka and a first-time visit by Mary Norton.
Guests will be among the first in the nation to preview Badgley Mischka’s 2006 spring and cruise collections. The lines are straight off the runway and their first stop is San Antonio. Jennifer Lopez, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Cameron Diaz and Ashley Judd are among the many celebrities you’ve seen wearing Badgley Mischka.
“One zip and you’re glamorous,” the designers say. “We like to keep things simple. It’s fabulous if you can spend hours getting ready. But a woman should also be able to bring a dress to work and change there for an evening out.”
Tickets to this select event are only $35 and all proceeds benefit the CCRI. Contact Lisa Jimenez in the office of external affairs to purchase tickets. Click on: JimenezLM@uthscsa.edu.
Please join President Francisco G. Cigarroa, M.D., and his wife, Graciela, and co-hosts Barbie and Toby O’Connor, and enjoy:
• Rack of Lamb with Rosemary and White Wine Marinade
• Pit-Fired Beef Tenderloin
• Sushi Bar featuring 13 varieties of site-prepared Sushi
• Ceviche Bar featuring Shrimp, Scallops
• Soup Shooter Bar featuring Roasted Red Pepper Soup, Three-Color Tomato Soup with Foie Gras pate and more
• Duck Crepe with Plum Béchamel and Herb Oil Inlace
• Quail with Ancho Sauce
• Portabella Napoleon with Herbs and Balsamic Reduction
• More desserts and drinks than space permits to list!