Facilities Management has scheduled a power outage to begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday, June 13. Only the AAB and the ALTC buildings will be impacted. Power will be restored by 8 a.m. on Sunday, June 14.
This power outage is part of an effort to vacate antiquated, circa 1960, 15 kV electrical equipment on the Long Campus.
At the conclusion of this work, the AAB and the ALTC will have their electrical power fed from a new campus power station.
During the power outage, normal power will not be available throughout the 24-hour period impacting the AAB and ALTC buildings.
Please shut down your computers and all nonessential equipment prior to your departure from campus on Friday, June 12.
All emergency power systems to include security systems, life safety, lighting, emergency power outlets and networking will be available throughout the duration of the power outage.
Refrigerators and freezers not on emergency power should be defrosted and disconnected (unplugged) prior to the outage.
These refrigerators and freezers include those utilized by departments in break rooms or lunch spaces. Any ice in ice maker machines should be removed prior to the power outage.
Access into these buildings will be limited and elevators will be unavailable.
The Facilities Management 24 hours a day/365 days a year telephone number: 210-567-2880.
Please contact Joe Lopez (lopezjl@uthscsa.edu or 210-857-8602) or Raymundo Rivera (riverar5@uthscsa.edu) should you have any questions or need assistance in preparing for this power outage.