The School of Nursing at UT Health San Antonio celebrated its 50th anniversary March 2 by honoring 50 visionary leaders. The honorees included outstanding alumni, faculty, staff, community leaders and philanthropic supporters who have had a major impact on the School of Nursing and the nursing profession.
The award winners were featured in a video and a toast at the end of the program. “We all benefit from your investments and contributions to the School of Nursing and our profession,” said Eileen T. Breslin, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, dean of the School of Nursing, before leading a toast, punctuated by a burst of confetti. “To our visionary leader awardees, we salute your profound dedication to nursing! Cheers!”
View their photos and brief biographies here.
Read more about the luncheon and speakers here.
The award winners are:

Barbara Aranda-Naranjo, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, associate provost for the health professions at University of the Incarnate Word, who received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing in the Class of 1979;
Tommye Austin, Ph.D., M.B.A., RN, NEA-BC, senior vice president and chief nurse executive at University Health System;
Kay C. Avant, Ph.D., RN, FNI, FAAN, professor emeritus of nursing of the School of Nursing;
Gary Baldwin, M.B.A., retired U.S. Air Force captain and friend of the School of Nursing;
Louis Davis Beldon, philanthropist and friend of the School of Nursing;
Donna Block, RN, medical consultant, philanthropist and friend of the School of Nursing;
Rose Marie Bolenbaucher, M.S.N., B.S.N., RN, TCRN, trauma network survivor coordinator at University Health System;
Margaret Brackley, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, FAANP, professor emeritus of the School of Nursing;
Carrie Jo Braden, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, professor in the School of Nursing;
Lisa Cleveland, Ph.D., RN, CPNP, IBCLC, FAAN, associate professor in the School of Nursing;
Nancy Cuevas-Soto, D.N.P., RN, NEA-BC, chief nurse, Education and Research, South Texas Veterans Health Care System;
Shaun Hartford Danney, M.S.N., RN, CPN, faculty member of the Baptist School of Health Professions in the Department of Professional Nursing. She earned her B.S.N. in 1984 and M.S.N. in 1988 from the UT Health San Antonio School of Nursing.
Lark Ford, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.N., RN, associate professor/clinical in the School of Nursing;
Alicia Gallegos, manager of financial planning in the School of Nursing;
Nancy Girard, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, retired chair of acute nursing care in the School of Nursing and an M.S.N. alumnus of the class of 1978;

Clarice Golightly-Jenkins, Ph.D., RN, CNS, retired U.S. Army colonel and assistant professor/clinical in the School of Nursing;
Rudy Gomez, M.B.A., retired associate dean for finance and administration in the School of Nursing;
Rosemary T. Goodyear, Ed.D., APRN, FAANP, associate faculty member at the University of San Diego and the University of South Florida;
Susan Griffin, M.S.N., RN, chief nurse executive at Methodist Healthcare System;
Carolyn Gunning, Ph.D., RN, professor and dean emerita of the Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing;
Patty L. Hawken, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, dean and professor emeritus of the School of Nursing;
Sister Ursula Herrera, B.S.N., RN, director of the Benedictine Sisters’ Caridad de Corazon (Charity of the Heart) Ministry, who earned her B.S.N. as a member of the class of 1973;
Karen and Ronald Herrmann, philanthropists and friends of the School of Nursing;
Carol Reineck Huebner, Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC, CENP, FAAN, professor emeritus of the School of Nursing who earned her M.S.N. in the class o f 1982;
Debra Phyllis Hymovich, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, founding faculty member of the School of Nursing;
Brenda Jackson, Ph.D., M.S.N., RN, professor emeritus of the School of Nursing who earned her M.S.N. in the class of 1976;
Ulondia Denise Lee, M.S.N., RN, CENP, chief nursing officer of Methodist Metropolitan Hospital;
Wendy J. Lee, D.N.P., RN, FNP-BC, FAANP, associate professor/clinical of the School of Nursing;
Janna Lesser, Ph.D., RN, director of the Center for Community-Based Health Promotion in Women and Children and director of the South Texas Area Health Education Center Program in the School of Nursing;

Nancy K. Maebius, Ph.D., M.S.N., B.S.N., RN, founding faculty member of the School of Nursing;
Norma Martinez Rogers, Ph.D. RN, FAAN, professor in the School of Nursing who earned her M.S.N. with the class of 1978;
Carolyn Regena Mueller, Ph.D., RN, retired assistant professor of clinical nursing at the UT Austin School of Nursing. She earned her M.S.N. in the class of 1985.;
Gregg E. Muenster, Ph.D., philanthropist and friend of the School of Nursing;
Tracy Smith Page, D.N.P., RN, FNP, contractor with the Army Virtual MEDCEN;
Daniel J. Pesut, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota. He earned his M.S.N. in the class of 1977;
Charles Reed, Ph.D., M.S.N., RN, CNRN, vice president and associate chief nursing officer at University Health System. He earned his B.S.N. with the class of 1996, M.S.N. in the class of 2006 and Ph.D. as a member of the class of 2014.
Suellen B. Reed, Ph.D., RN, founding faculty member and professor emeritus of the School of Nursing;

Beverly H. Robinson, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, professor emeritus of the School of Nursing;
Susan D. Ruppert, Ph.D., RN, FNP-C, ANP-BC, FCCM, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN, professor and associate dean for graduate studies in the Cizik School of Nursing at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. She earned her M.S.N. in the class of 1979.
San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, philanthropic organization and educational partner;
Judith Shockley, M.S.N., RN, former faculty member of the School of Nursing;
Retired U.S. Army Col. Kimberly K. Smith, D.N.P., M.S., CPHQ, lead in the Performance Improvement Joint Trauma System in Defense Health Affairs at Joint Base Fort Sam Houston. She earned her D.N.P. in the class of 2015.
Carol Marie H. Smith, M.S.N., B.S.N., philanthropist and friend of the School of Nursing;
Kathleen R. Stevens, Ed.D., RN, ANEF, FAAN, Berneice Castella Distinguished Professor in Aging Research in the School of Nursing;
Ruth Stewart, M.S., RN, FAAN, founding faculty member of the School of Nursing;
Margretta Styles, Ed.D., RN, FAAN, founding dean of the School of Nursing. Award presented posthumously.
Carol Swartz, M.S.N., RN, former assistant dean of development in the School of Nursing, who earned her B.S.N. and M.S.N. in the class of 1999;
Delight Tillotson, M.S.N., RN, former faculty member of the School of Nursing who earned her M.S.N. in the class of 1974. Her award was presented posthumously.
Nelson Tuazon, D.N.P., D.B.A., M.A.Ed., RN, NEA-BC, CENP, CPHQ, FNAP, FACHE, vice president and associate chief nursing officer at University Health System;
Carole White, Ph.D., RN, director of the Caring for the Caregiver program in the School of Nursing and the Nancy Smith Hurd Presidential Chair in Geriatric Nursing & Aging Studies.
The Visionary Leader Selection Committee included David Byrd, Ph.D., associate dean for admissions and student services in the School of Nursing; alumnus James Halloran, M.S.N., FAAN; former faculty members Adrianne Linton, Ph.D., RN; Bill Rasco, Nursing Advisory Council emeritus member; and Isabell Stoltz, M.S.N., assistant professor in the School of Nursing.
Visit the 50th anniversary webpage for historical photos and a timeline to celebrate 50 years of excellence in education, discovery and care. View more photos from the luncheon here.