Over the past couple of weeks there has been an increase in very cleverly crafted texts and phones calls attempting to scam recipients into buying gift cards, paying phony bills, wiring funds, even giving to a charitable cause. The scams may appear to come from a colleague, peer, supervisor, or department and we’ve even seen a few that appear to come from President Henrich or UTPD.
If you receive a suspicious text first and foremost, don’t respond to it, click on any live links or forward it. Write down the originating phone number, send it and a brief description to infosec@uthscsa.edu and delete the text. Likewise be wary of phone calls requesting payment for a delinquent bill or a asking for a credit card number. If you receive a voicemail, send the number and brief description to infosec@uthscsa.edu and delete.
Thanks very much for your attention to this matter, feel free to make friends/family aware, and I appreciate your vigilance in guarding against cybercrime.
Very Best,
Yeman Collier, Chief Information Officer
UT Health San Antonio