Through the support of the Staff Advisory Council and generous donations made through the State Employee Charitable Campaign, the Staff Emergency Fund (SEF) is available for employees who may be experiencing an emergency need of financial support during this difficult time of COVID-19. Below you will find a link to the SEF site where you can find the application and other resource information. If you have any questions, please send an email to
Staff Emergency Fund:
The UT Health San Antonio Staff Emergency Fund is intended to provide limited financial assistance when a UT Health San Antonio staff member is unable to meet immediate and essential expenses because of a temporary hardship caused by an emergency or non-emergent situation. Applications will require supporting documentation. Funds granted to each recipient are counted as income and are subject to federal taxes. The Staff Emergency Fund is made possible by the support of employee donations and efforts of the State Employee Charitable Campaign and the Staff Advisory Council. The maximum award amount is up to $500 taxable dollars.
Apply for Staff Emergency funds:
If you have a qualifying need and would like to apply for emergency funds, please find complete details and an application on the Staff Emergency Fund website.