Supporting local businesses easier than you may think

Two employees discuss the design of promotional cups.
Hilda Lopez of Governmental Affairs and Hector Garza of Stallion Co. visit while discussing a delivery of insulated cups with the UT Health San Antonio logo.

Hilda Lopez is a proponent of supporting local businesses. When an opportunity came, she took it.

“I want to support people here in San Antonio who are trying to make a living,” she said. “So, that’s what I try to do.”

HUB fair

Lopez, assistant to the vice president of Governmental Relations, visited a biannual Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) fair on campus. HUB fairs, conducted by Supply Chain Management, bring qualified vendors to meet school and department representatives who may seek goods or services.

That’s where Lopez met Hector Garza, a one-man local business. An effective business relationship soon was underway.

“He was giving me information like everybody else and something just stood out,” Lopez said. “So, I reached out to him and he’s been very helpful.

“He’s always keeping me up to date on how things are going, when there’ll be deliveries. And he’s a vendor here in San Antonio.”

‘I can get it’

“Pretty much anything that anyone is looking for, I can get it,” he said.

“One of the questions I get is, ‘Are you a HUB?’,” he said. “And yes, I’m already certified. From there, someone will say, ‘This department is looking for this, can you get it?’ And yes, I can.”

How to engage a local HUB

Locate HUBs in the eligible vendor search

Get more information about the program from My UT Health

Contact the HUB team by email

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