While using Zoom or Microsoft Teams, there are some things you can do to keep unwanted attendees from joining your virtual meetings.
Here are some tips to keep in mind to prevent virtual meeting attacks:
Use the lobby or waiting room: The default setting for Zoom will automatically recognize and grant entry for internal attendees, but require external attendees to be admitted by the meeting host. If you do not recognize an external number, do not allow entry into the meeting.
Screen sharing in Zoom: The default setting in Zoom will now disallow screen sharing; only the meeting host can share their screen. This setting can be changed by the host.
Single user, single account, strong password: Each institutional Zoom account should be associated with a single user. Create a strong password using this guidance and never share it with others.
Use the lock features: The host should consider locking the meeting once the presentation begins as well as lock participant mute, video and chat, especially for large meetings.
Manage your meeting invitations: In most virtual meeting attacks, the perpetrator actually receives the invite, unbeknownst to the organizer, host or presenter. Avoid sending invites to large distribution lists with unknown external recipients or sharing invite details on public forums.
Apply meeting passwords and best practices: When scheduling meetings avoid common passwords like “password”, 1234 or short words. Have attendees join with their real names to help identify unauthorized participants.
In the event of any virtual meeting attack, the host should immediately end the meeting and contact infosec@uthscsa.edu.
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