A single sunburn can increase the risks of developing skin cancer, and five or more sunburns in your life can double the risk of melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer.
And with summer comes other unique health hazards, too, ranging from mosquito-borne illnesses to contaminated food and to all manner of physical injuries due to increased outdoor activities.
Staying healthy and safe this summer is the topic of a special Texas Public Radio Think Health Science presentation at 7 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, in Pestana Lecture Hall.
The TPR presentation, in conjunction with UT Health San Antonio and titled “Summer Health Hazards,” will feature three UT Health faculty members: Sandra Osswald, M.D., Jason Bowling, M.D., and Anthony Hartzler, M.D.

Dr. Osswald completed her residency in dermatology in San Antonio through the Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium, then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in dermatopathology. She will discuss the body’s largest organ, the skin, and the dangers of sunburn, cancer risks and other skin conditions.

Dr. Bowling will share his knowledge of the transmission, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and prevention of Zika and other viruses, including West Nile virus. He is an infectious disease specialist at the UT Health Physicians practice. He joined the Division of Infectious Diseases faculty in 2010.

Dr. Hartzler, a hospitalist, will discuss general health tips to consider or do in advance of summer travel, both international and domestic, including vaccines. And he’ll offer general guidance on avoiding commonly experienced health hazards that might occur more frequently in the summertime.
The presentation is free and open to the public.