UT Health San Antonio seen as key to city’s biosciences industry

UT Health representatives at the BioMed SA meeting included (from left) Andrea Giuffrida, Ph.D., vice president of research, Byron Hepburn, M.D., director of the Military Health Institute, Robert Hromas, M.D., new dean of the Long School of Medicine, Sudha Seshadri, M.D., the first director of the Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer’s & Neurodegenerative Diseases, and William L. Henrich, M.D., president.

During the BioMed SA annual meeting Dec. 12, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, in partnership with the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation, unveiled a comprehensive, strategic study by Frost & Sullivan on the biosciences and health care industry.

The plan reveals the strategic advantages of the city’s clinical population in driving diabetes and infectious disease innovation. UT Health San Antonio was recognized as a catalyst in the key areas—diabetes, infectious disease, cancer, neuroscience and trauma and regenerative medicine.

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