Navy Vice Admiral (Ret.) Raquel C. Bono, M.D., former director of the Defense Health Agency, will deliver the Military Health Institute’s Distinguished Lecture at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 21, in Holly Auditorium on the Long campus. A reception begins at 5:30 p.m.
Dr. Bono will speak on “The Case for Disruptive Leadership.”
As the head of the Defense Health Agency, Dr. Bono led the merger of four separate health delivery systems into an integrated system of readiness and health for the entire military. She will share her experiences and insights for designing and sustaining a value-based health system through disruptive leadership.
Born in Quezon City, the Philippines, and raised in Texas, Raquel Cruz Bono is a trained surgeon who earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Texas and medical degree from Texas Tech University. During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, she served as head of casualty receiving at Fleet Hospital Five in Saudi Arabia. Other duty stations include general surgery at Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, Virginia; attending surgeon at the Burn Trauma Unit at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Virginia; and director of Restorative Care at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland.
The lecture is free and open to the public.