The School of Nursing’s Caring for the Caregiver program, directed by Carole L. White, Ph.D., RN, is leading an effort to establish a campuswide, interdisciplinary effort to support family caregivers.
Any faculty, staff or student interested in family caregiving is invited to a brainstorming session from 4:30 to 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 18, in ALTC 2.202.
The need for family caregivers is increasing as our country ages. But it isn’t only adults who need caregiving; one in 15 children in the U.S. live with chronic conditions and are in need of family care.
“Please join us to add your voice to an initial discussion about family caregiving and how we can collaborate across disciplines, health conditions, and the lifespan to support family caregivers,” said Dr. White. “Whether your interest in family caregiving is around education, research, practice or community engagement, we welcome your ideas about building a cross-campus coalition.”
Refreshments and food will be provided. If you are unable to attend but are interested in the topic, email Dr. White at