HSC researchers seek glaucoma-Alzheimer’s link
February 17, 2004
A research group at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is examining the intriguing possibility of a link between glaucoma and Alzheimer’s disease.
February 17, 2004
A research group at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is examining the intriguing possibility of a link between glaucoma and Alzheimer’s disease.
February 17, 2004
The Texas Diabetes Institute, a partnership of the Health Science Center and the University Health System, is recruiting individuals for a four-year clinical trial of pioglitazone (brand name Actos) for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
February 10, 2004
Abraham Verghese, M.D., the Marvin Forland Distinguished Professor and director of the Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics, and Therese Jones, PhD., associate director of the Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, received a 2004 Tom Slick Research Award in Consciousness from The Mind Science Foundation.
February 9, 2004
A San Antonio researcher who studies the orderly – and sometimes not so orderly – process by which the body kills its own cells was awarded The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio’s top honor Jan. 29.
February 8, 2004
Generally it’s a good thing to have a big heart, but in 9-year-old Bradley Price’s case, he literally had too big a heart.
February 3, 2004
Scott Johnson, M.D., associate professor in the division of cardiothoracic surgery, has been appointed by Gov. Rick Perry to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Perfusionists.