Survey: Most U.S. deans perceive physician shortages

December 19, 2003

A new survey of 73 medical school deans in the United States and Puerto Rico reveals that most deans believe the country is short of physicians in at least one specialty and that few of the deans say they have the resources to increase class size.

UTHSC medical reserve unit receives $50,000 grant

December 19, 2003

The state’s first volunteer medical reserve unit, the Texas Medical Rangers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSC), is getting a $50,000 federal grant to bolster its activities.

Blood substitute to be studied in trauma patients

December 18, 2003

Every second counts for severely injured and bleeding patients. Stabilizing patients suffering from massive blood loss is a top priority and serious concern for emergency responders at the scene of many motor vehicle collisions and other traumatic injuries.

Smallpox model might help South Texas understand how to prepare

December 17, 2003

What would a smallpox epidemic look like? What kind of resources would cities need to effectively respond? Representatives of a San Antonio think tank with a federal grant to develop decision-making tools for public health emergencies spoke at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSC) Dec. 12 about a model they plan to share with the UTHSC, the city of San Antonio and other response agencies.

Liver transplant field’s most prominent book honors SA program

December 16, 2003

Since 2000, more than 400 individuals with severe liver disease have received life-enhancing liver transplants performed by faculty surgeons of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSC). The program is offered in conjunction with the outstanding clinical staff and facilities of the University Health System.

Early treatment of retinopathy benefits premies

December 16, 2003

A study reported this month by the National Eye Institute suggests early surgical treatment of the blinding condition retinopathy would help thousands of premature, low birth weight babies annually.