ABC 12 News: Using a blood marker to help diagnose dementia risk

July 9, 2020

Chronic inflammation in the body, caused by genetics, disease, or lifestyle is very damaging to cells, playing a role in vascular disease and dementia. Sudha Seshadri, MD, professor of neurology at UT Health San Antonio explained to Ivanhoe, “We are increasingly recognizing that infection and inflammation play a role in neurodegeneration and vascular diseases.” Read […]

Data may detect who will have dementia and what type

July 7, 2020

What if, by inputting information about dementia and a patient into a supercomputer and crunching the data, a treatment team could quantify the individual’s risk of developing the disease? And what if, based on the results, the team could diagnose which type and subtype of dementia that the patient might develop? And what if the […]

Granddaughter helping her disabled grandmother walk with the aid of a walker.

WMC: Best Life: Blood marker being used in dementia study

June 29, 2020

Chronic inflammation in the body, caused by genetics, disease, or lifestyle is very damaging to cells, playing a role in vascular disease and dementia. Sudha Seshadri, MD, professor of neurology, explained to Ivanhoe, “We are increasingly recognizing that infection and inflammation play a role in neurodegeneration and vascular diseases.” As this disease develops, inflammation is […]

Your Your health – Treatments for dementia

June 22, 2020

Nearly 50 million people worldwide suffer from dementia which affects their memory, language and family relationships. Now a blood marker, called Soluble C-D14, is being studied as a potential tool in the neurological disease. Chronic inflammation in the body caused by genetics, disease, or lifestyle is very damaging to cells playing a role in vascular […]