Repurposed drug brings new hope to treat breast cancer

September 29, 2023

“We applaud our patients. They are the true heroes in what we do.” —Virginia Kaklamani, MD, DSc, Mays Cancer Center at UT Health San Antonio Could a drug prescribed for transplant recipients also help some women beat breast cancer? Impressive new findings point to this possibility, according to research conducted at The University of Texas […]

Clinical trial gives women with gene mutation power over disease

September 8, 2023

    When Juana Padron, a 40-year-old mother of four, chose to have a genetic test, going against her friends and family’s advice was the last thing on her mind. Padron’s aunt died from breast cancer, and she watched her sister endure two surgeries and chemotherapy as she successfully fought off ovarian cancer. Her primary […]

Mays Cancer Center ranks nationally in clinical trial enrollments

June 6, 2023

  The Mays Cancer Center at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio has ranked fourth in the nation for clinical trial enrollments among over a thousand institutions that are members of SWOG Cancer Research Network, formerly known as the Southwestern Oncology Group. SWOG is an organization supported by the National Cancer […]

Alzheimer’s disease clinical trial seeks 21 area volunteers

January 30, 2023

Study will evaluate senolytics — drugs that clear defective ‘zombie’ cells Contact: Will Sansom, 210-567-2579, SAN ANTONIO (Jan. 30, 2023) — A clinical trial conducted at UT Health San Antonio aims to “stomp” out Alzheimer’s disease. Clearing old, damaged “zombie” cells from the brain may be one way to do it. The study, called […]

Image of the brain in a cool blue light