Dear UT Health San Antonio colleagues:
Our 2020-21 academic year is in full flight, with over 3,400 students enrolled in our diverse degree and certificate programs across our five schools. I am grateful to the students who are steadfast in their desire to pursue their educational and professional goals here, learning from our outstanding faculty. I am inspired daily by our faculty’s and learners’ commitment to the pursuit of educational excellence in medicine, dentistry, nursing, health professionals and biomedical sciences and the resilience everyone has shown in these dynamic times.
As we continue our academic planning for the balance of this academic year, faculty and student leaders, as well as department chairs, have provided consultative feedback to the deans, the Vice President for Research, and me, advising us how to enable expanded campus access for additional educational and visiting student research activities. Please use the embedded links to find further details.
With more on-campus learning opportunities, UT Health San Antonio still requires each of us to follow the COVID-19 protocols that the university has in place: daily temperature screening and concomitant symptom monitoring at the designated entrances to campus buildings; adherence to the 6’ physical distance; universal masking; and scrupulous hand-hygiene. These protocols are in place for everyone’s health and safety, and we expect all members of our community to take personal responsibility to demonstrate these behaviors. Your commitment is essential to our success.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication to the university,
Jacqueline Lee Mok, PhD
Vice President for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs