Safety practices to stop the spread

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our community and more people return to our campuses, it’s important to be aware of the safety practices in place to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Face Coverings – Face coverings must be worn at all times when on UT Health San Antonio campuses, irrespective of an individual’s ability to maintain social distancing. Everyone must wear face coverings in all public and common areas including department common spaces, general campus areas, outdoor areas or while moving from one area to another. An exception to this requirement, is that an individual may remove their face covering when located in their individual, private or closed-door office space. “Face coverings” may include homemade masks, scarves, bandanas or handkerchiefs, unless one’s work location requires different masking.

Screening – All individuals entering UT Health San Antonio campuses must be screened. This is an ongoing requirement to be performed at least once each day. Screening includes a daily temperature check and responses to COVID-related symptom questions at entry points on our campuses. Daily screening can be accomplished through in-person screening or temperature self-screening stations. If necessary, to encourage compliance with the COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocol, UT Health San Antonio may record data collected at screening locations.

The face covering and screening requirements apply to all employees, trainees, independent contractors, visitors and patients.

This Masking and Screening Guidance details the requirements, enforcement and how to report noncompliance.

Be Healthy, Be Clean – Please practice good hand hygiene. Soap is very effective and you can find more than 230 hand sanitizer stations on our campuses. Additional stations planned to be installed in high-traffic areas and educational spaces.

Doors, elevators, restrooms and other high-touch public spaces are disinfected multiple times daily.

More than 250 sanitizing kits have been distributed for supplemental cleaning in administrative, academic and research departments.

Departments can request sanitation supplies either by emailing or through the Sanitation Supplies Request power app.

Social Distancing – As more faculty, staff, students and residents return to campus, it’s important to stay at least 6 feet away from others.

Additional tables are being set up throughout campus to make social distancing easier during lunch hours.

When possible, take the stairs and if you do use the elevator be mindful of social distancing.

In lieu of in-person group meetings, continue to opt for virtual meetings using Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

Safety practices to protect all of us from the spread of COVID-19


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