Houston Chronicle: Texas schools rank on the list of the Top 100 universities in the world
August 10, 2016
Texas is full of smarty pants, and it looks like the world knows it too. Read the full story at the Houston Chronicle
August 10, 2016
Texas is full of smarty pants, and it looks like the world knows it too. Read the full story at the Houston Chronicle
August 10, 2016
Finding funding for tech and life science ventures is no easy endeavor, be it an academic setting or in the corporate world. Government groups in Texas announced this week that they’re providing money to both sectors in San Antonio to boost research and job growth. Read the full story at Xconomy
August 10, 2016
The Zika virus has reared its ugly head in Florida, and experts say Texas could be one of the next states with local transmission from biting mosquitoes. Listen to the full story at Texas Public Radio
August 10, 2016
Texas Public Radio will host this event to discuss a possible outbreak of the virus in Texas, including precautions and ramifications for family planning.
August 10, 2016
Seven distinguished members of the faculty at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio have been selected to receive the Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award from The University of Texas System.
August 10, 2016
Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer among men, but if caught early is treatable. Watch the full story at KENS 5