Application deadline extended for Community Engagement Small Project Grants

March 10, 2023

  The Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science and the UTSA College for Health, Community and Policy have extended the application deadline for one-year Community Engagement Small Project Grants through 11:59 p.m. on April 3. The goal is to promote, develop and expand community and academic research partnerships for the translation of science from […]

5 types of household items to avoid if you have a chemical intolerance

March 8, 2023

By Claudia S. Miller, MD, MS, professor emeritus in the department of family and community medicine Is it possible that one or more common household chemicals are making you ill? If so, how and why would they cause such a reaction? There is a two-stage process called toxicant-induced loss of tolerance, or TILT, which may […]

How to form healthy habits

March 3, 2023

  By Veena Prasad, PhD, MBA, LPC, behavioral health counselor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Office for Graduate Medical Education At the start of the New Year, many people decide to make some healthy changes by creating new habits. But what does it take to form a new habit? When you consider incorporating a new habit […]

6 ways to help increase your happiness

February 23, 2023

  By Veena Prasad, PhD, MBA, LPC, behavioral health counselor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Office for Graduate Medical Education We all want to feel happy. In fact, finding “happiness” has become a billion-dollar industry with books, lectures, courses and research dedicated to that Holy Grail of feelings. It’s no wonder so many people are interested […]

5 ways to manage your stress

February 14, 2023

  By Ellen Shrouf, PhD, Family Medicine/Primary Care Everyone has stress. Your ability to recognize and manage it is key to fending off chronic stress and its related symptoms. A few of these symptoms include lack of sleep, shortness of breath, tightness in your chest, nausea, digestive upset and muscle tension. By taking a little […]